In Edward Albee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama A Delicate Balance, Agnes (Mia Katigbak) and Tobias (Manu Narayan) are a complacent middle-aged couple with a hanger-on of a house guest—Agnes’ alcoholic sister Claire (Carmen M. Herlihy). But when longtime friends Harry (Paul Juhn) and Edna (Rita Wolf) appear on their doorstep claiming a nameless “fear” has forced them from their home, just as their four-time divorced daughter, Julia, (Tina Chilip) moves home too, their delicate balance is shattered. Agnes and Tobias attempt to regain control, but is that even still possible?
Directed by Jack Cummings III, this is the first Off-Broadway production of Edward Albee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama, A Delicate Balance, as well as the first to feature a full cast of Asian American actors.
The run time is 2 hours and 45 minutes, inclusive of two 10 minute intermissions.
Edward Albee’s A Delicate Balance is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.
Set Design: Peiyi Wong Costume Design: Mariko Ohigashi Lighting Design: R. Lee Kennedy Props Designer: Rhys Roffey Fight Choreographer: Michael G. Chin Casting: Stephanie Yankwitt, TBD Casting & Andrea Zee, Zee Casting Production Stage Manager: Kevin Jinghong Zhu Assistant Rehearsal Stage Manager: Samantha L. Robbins Assistant Production Stage Manager: Michal V. Mendelson Assistant Scenic Designer: Anthony Freitas Production Managers: Mike Domue & Kate Holland Technical Director/Associate Production Manager: Brian Staton Company Manager: Jaye Hunt Press Representation: Don Summa/Kornberg PR