In partnership with
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A NAATCO National Partnership Project


Coming Soon
Now Playing
June 14, 2024
July 6, 2024
Written by
reid tang
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Directed by
Kedian Keohan
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Commissioned by
Long Wharf Theatre

It's the staircase in the woods again. You know the one. Mysterious, abandoned, the one everyone says you shouldn't climb. Well—maybe if you did, everything would be different. Maybe you would become something else entirely. Something you've always feared you secretly already were.

Date & Time

June 22: AAPINH Affinity Night + Talkback
Post-show discussion with Stephanie Yankwitt and Nia Smith of tbd casting co.

June 25: Queer Wellness + Care Talkback
Post-show discussion with LoAn Nguyen of Heart@Peace Training Services and Shay Francis of Apicha Community Health Center

June 27: Pride Night
Post-show celebration with complimentary drinks and snacks!

July 2: Trans Trailblazers in Theater Talkback
Post-show talkback with Charlie Hano of Hano Casting and Sam Morreale of Soho Rep


Playhouse Theater @ Abrons Arts Center
466 Grand Street, New York, NY 10002
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Photo Credit:
Marcus Middleton


Scenic Design: dots Costume Design: Hahnji Jang Lighting Design: Barbara Samuels Sound Design: Tei Blow Properties Design: Addison Heeren Production Stage Manager: Nat Kelley DiMario Assistant Stage Manager: Mars Juno Bartolome Neri Production Manager: Libby J’Vera Technical Director: Steven Brenman Casting: tbd casting co. Associate Sound Design: Jeremy Kadetsky Assistant Lighting Design: Lee Lillis Press Representative: David Gersten & Associates Key Art Design: reid tang